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Electron dynamics in strained graphene

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 Added by Nancy Sandler
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The paper presents a theoretical description of the effects of strain induced by out-of-plane deformations on charge distributions and transport on graphene. A review of a continuum model for electrons using the Dirac formalism is complemented with elasticity theory to represent strain fields. The resulting model is cast in terms of scalar and pseudo-magnetic fields that control electron dynamics. Two distinct geometries, a bubble, and a fold are chosen to represent the most commonly observed deformations in experimental settings. It is shown that local charge accumulation regions appear in deformed areas, with a peculiar charge distribution that favors the occupation of one sublattice only. This unique phenomenon that allows distinguishing each carbon atom in the unit cell, is the manifestation of a sublattice symmetry broken phase. For specific parameters, resonant states appear in localized charged regions, as shown by the emergence of discrete levels in band structure calculations. These findings are presented in terms of intuitive pictures that exploit analogies with confinement produced by square barriers. In addition, electron currents through strained regions are spatially separated into their valley components, making possible the manipulation of electrons with different valley indices. The degree of valley filtering (or polarization) for a specific system can be controlled by properly designing the strained area. The comparison between efficiencies of filters built with this type of geometries identifies extended deformations as better valley filters. A proposal for their experimental implementations as a component of devices and a discussion for potential observation of novel physics in strained structures are presented at the end of the article.

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The wavefunction of a massless fermion consists of two chiralities, left-handed and right-handed, which are eigenstates of the chiral operator. The theory of weak interactions of elementally particle physics is not symmetric about the two chiralities, and such a symmetry breaking theory is referred to as a chiral gauge theory. The chiral gauge theory can be applied to the massless Dirac particles of graphene. In this paper we show within the framework of the chiral gauge theory for graphene that a topological soliton exists near the boundary of a graphene nanoribbon in the presence of a strain. This soliton is a zero-energy state connecting two chiralities and is an elementally excitation transporting a pseudospin. The soliton should be observable by means of a scanning tunneling microscopy experiment.
143 - Anh D. Phan , The-Long Phan 2014
We theoretically study the strain effect on the Casimir interactions in graphene based systems. We found that the interactions between two strained graphene sheets are strongly dependent on the direction of stretching. The influence of the strain on the dispersion interactions is still strong in the presence of dielectric substrates but is relatively weak when the substrate is metallic. Our studies would suggest new ways to design next generation devices.
We explore the tunability of the phonon polarization in suspended uniaxially strained graphene by magneto-phonon resonances. The uniaxial strain lifts the degeneracy of the LO and TO phonons, yielding two cross-linearly polarized phonon modes and a splitting of the Raman G peak. We utilize the strong electron-phonon coupling in graphene and the off-resonant coupling to a magneto-phonon resonance to induce a gate-tunable circular phonon dichroism. This, together with the strain-induced splitting of the G peak, allows us to controllably tune the two linearly polarized G mode phonons into circular phonon modes. We are able to achieve a circular phonon polarization of up to 40 % purely by electrostatic fields and can reverse its sign by tuning from electron to hole doping. This provides unprecedented electrostatic control over the angular momentum of phonons, which paves the way toward phononic applications.
Recent studies have shown that moir{e} flat bands in a twisted bilayer graphene(TBG) can acquire nontrivial Berry curvatures when aligned with hexagonal boron nitride substrate [1, 2], which can be manifested as a correlated Chern insulator near the 3/4 filling [3, 4]. In this work, we show that the large Berry curvatures in the moir{e} bands lead to strong nonlinear Hall(NLH) effect in a strained TBG with general filling factors. Under a weak uniaxial strain $sim 0.1%$, the Berry curvature dipole which characterizes the nonlinear Hall response can be as large as $sim$ 200{AA}, exceeding the values of all previously known nonlinear Hall materials [5-14] by two orders of magnitude. The dependence of the giant NLH effect as a function of electric gating, strain and twist angle is further investigated systematically. Importantly, we point out that the giant NLH effect appears generically for twist angle near the magic angle due to the strong susceptibility of nearly flat moir{e} bands to symmetry breaking induced by strains. Our results establish TBG as a practical platform for tunable NLH effect and novel transport phenomena driven by nontrivial Berry phases.
The effect of electron-electron interaction on the low-temperature conductivity of graphene is investigated experimentally. Unlike in other two-dimensional systems, the electron-electron interaction correction in graphene is sensitive to the details of disorder. A new temperature regime of the interaction correction is observed where quantum interference is suppressed by intra-valley scattering. We determine the value of the interaction parameter, F_0 ~ -0.1, and show that its small value is due to the chiral nature of interacting electrons.
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