High-speed Privacy Amplification Scheme using GMP in Quantum Key Distribution

Abstract in English

Privacy amplification (PA) is the art of distilling a highly secret key from a partially secure string by public discussion. It is a vital procedure in quantum key distribution (QKD) to produce a theoretically unconditional secure key. The throughput of PA has become a bottleneck of the high-speed discrete variable QKD (DV-QKD) system. In this paper, a high-speed modular arithmetic hash PA scheme with GNU multiple precision (GMP) arithmetic library is presented. This scheme is implemented on two different central processing unit (CPU) platforms. The experimental results demon-strate that the throughput of this scheme achieves 260Mbps on the block size of 10^6 and 140Mbps on the block size of 10^8. This is the highest-speed recorded PA scheme on CPU platform to the authors knowledge.
