Fractons from confinement in one dimension

Abstract in English

Recent work has shown that two seemingly different physical mechanisms, namely fracton behavior and confinement, can give rise to non-ergodicity in one-dimensional quantum many-body systems. In this work, we demonstrate an intrinsic link between these two mechanisms by studying the dynamics of one-dimensional confining theories, such as a U(1) gauge theory and a quantum Ising model. We show that, within certain parameter regimes, these models exhibit effective fracton dynamics, characterized by immobility of stable single-particle excitations and free motion of dipolar bound states. By perturbatively integrating out the linearly confining field, we obtain an effective fracton Hamiltonian for the confined charges which exhibits conservation of dipole moment. We discuss an intuitive understanding of these results in terms of the motion of the confining strings, leading to potential extensions to higher dimensions. We thereby interpret recent observations of nonthermal eigenstates and glassy dynamics in confining theories in terms of corresponding results in the fracton literature.
