Tuning high-Q superconducting resonators by magnetic field reorientation

Abstract in English

Superconducting resonators interfaced with paramagnetic spin ensembles are used to increase the sensitivity of electron spin resonance experiments and are key elements of microwave quantum memories. Certain spin systems that are promising for such quantum memories possess sweet spots at particular combinations of magnetic fields and frequencies, where spin coherence times or linewidths become particularly favorable. In order to be able to couple high-Q superconducting resonators to such specific spin transitions, it is necessary to be able to tune the resonator frequency under a constant magnetic field amplitude. Here, we demonstrate a high quality, magnetic field resilient superconducting resonator, using a 3D vector magnet to continuously tune its resonance frequency by adjusting the orientation of the magnetic field. The resonator maintains a quality factor of $> 10^5$ up to magnetic fields of 2.6 T, applied predominantly in the plane of the superconductor. We achieve a continuous tuning of up to 30 MHz by rotating the magnetic field vector, introducing a component of 5 mT perpendicular to the superconductor.
