Distribution-free consistent independence tests via center-outward ranks and signs

Abstract in English

This paper investigates the problem of testing independence of two random vectors of general dimensions. For this, we give for the first time a distribution-free consistent test. Our approach combines distance covariance with the center-outward ranks and signs developed in Hallin (2017). In technical terms, the proposed test is consistent and distribution-free in the family of multivariate distributions with nonvanishing (Lebesgue) probability densities. Exploiting the (degenerate) U-statistic structure of the distance covariance and the combinatorial nature of Hallins center-outward ranks and signs, we are able to derive the limiting null distribution of our test statistic. The resulting asymptotic approximation is accurate already for moderate sample sizes and makes the test implementable without requiring permutation. The limiting distribution is derived via a more general result that gives a new type of combinatorial non-central limit theorem for double- and multiple-indexed permutation statistics.
