Observation of dipolar splittings in high-resolution atom-loss spectroscopy of $^6$Li $p$-wave Feshbach resonances

Abstract in English

We report on the observation of dipolar splitting in 6Li p-wave Feshbach resonances by highresolution atom-loss spectroscopy. The Feshbach resonances at 159 G and 215 G exhibit a doublet structure of 10 mG and 13 mG, respectively, associated with different projections of the orbital angular momentum. The observed splittings agree very well with coupled-channel calculations. We map out the temperature dependence of the atom-loss spectrum allowing us to extrapolate resonance positions and the corresponding widths to zero temperature. The observed dipolar splitting in fermionic lithium might be useful for the realization of the quantum phase transition between the polar and axial p-wave superfluid phases.
