Efficient Formulation of Ab Initio Quantum Embedding in Periodic Systems: Dynamical Mean-Field Theory

Abstract in English

We present an efficient ab initio dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) implementation for quantitative simulations in solids. Our DMFT scheme employs ab initio Hamiltonians defined for impurities comprising the full unit cell or a supercell of atoms and for realistic quantum chemical basis sets. We avoid double counting errors by using Hartree-Fock as the low-level theory. Intrinsic and projected atomic orbitals (IAO+PAO) are chosen as the local embedding basis, facilitating numerical bath truncation. Using an efficient integral transformation and coupled-cluster Greens function (CCGF) impurity solvers, we are able to handle embedded impurity problems with several hundred orbitals. We apply our ab initio DMFT approach to study a hexagonal boron nitride monolayer, crystalline silicon, and nickel oxide in the antiferromagnetic phase, with up to 104 and 78 impurity orbitals in spin-restricted and unrestricted cluster DMFT calculations and over 100 bath orbitals. We show that our scheme produces accurate spectral functions compared to both benchmark periodic coupled-cluster computations and experimental spectra.
