A*3D Dataset: Towards Autonomous Driving in Challenging Environments

Abstract in English

With the increasing global popularity of self-driving cars, there is an immediate need for challenging real-world datasets for benchmarking and training various computer vision tasks such as 3D object detection. Existing datasets either represent simple scenarios or provide only day-time data. In this paper, we introduce a new challenging A*3D dataset which consists of RGB images and LiDAR data with significant diversity of scene, time, and weather. The dataset consists of high-density images ($approx~10$ times more than the pioneering KITTI dataset), heavy occlusions, a large number of night-time frames ($approx~3$ times the nuScenes dataset), addressing the gaps in the existing datasets to push the boundaries of tasks in autonomous driving research to more challenging highly diverse environments. The dataset contains $39text{K}$ frames, $7$ classes, and $230text{K}$ 3D object annotations. An extensive 3D object detection benchmark evaluation on the A*3D dataset for various attributes such as high density, day-time/night-time, gives interesting insights into the advantages and limitations of training and testing 3D object detection in real-world setting.
