Cosmological scenario based on the particle creation and holographic equipartition

Abstract in English

We propose a cosmological scenario which describes the evolution history of the universe based on the particle creation and holographic equipartition. The model attempts to solve the inflation of the early universe and the accelerated expansion of the present universe without introducing the dark energy from the perspective of thermodynamics. Throughout the evolution of the universe, we assume that the universe always creates particles in some way and holographic equipartition is always satisfied. Further, we choose that the creation rate of particles is proportional to $H^{2}$ in the early universe and to $H$ in the present and late universe, where $H$ is the Hubble parameter. Then we obtain the solutions $a(t)propto e^{alpha t/3}$ and $a(t)propto t^{1/2}$ for the early universe and the solutions $a(t)propto t^{delta}$ and $a(t)propto e^{Ht}$ for the present and late universe, where $alpha$ and $delta$ are the parameters. Finally, we obtain and analyze two important thermodynamic properties for the present model.
