Development of Transition-Edge Sensor X-ray Microcalorimeter Linear Array for Compton Scattering and Energy Dispersive Diffraction Imaging

Abstract in English

We present a strip transition-edge sensor microcalorimeter linear array detector developed for energy dispersive X-ray diffraction imaging and Compton scattering applications. The prototype detector is an array of 20 transition-edge-sensors with absorbers in strip geometry arranged in a linear array. We discuss the fabrication steps needed to develop this array including Mo/Cu bilayer, Au electroplating, and proof-of-principle fabrication of long strips of SiNx membranes. We demonstrate minimal unwanted effect of strip geometry on X-ray pulse response, and show linear relationship of 1/pulse height and pulse decay times with absorber length. For the absorber lengths studied, preliminary measurements show energy resolutions of 40 eV to 180 eV near 17 keV. Furthermore, we show that the heat flow to the cold bath is nearly independent of the absorber area and depends on the SiNx membrane geometry.
