Turbulent coherent structures and early life below the Kolmogorov scale

Abstract in English

A great number of biological organisms live in aqueous environments. Major evolutionary transitions, including the emergence of life itself, likely occurred in such environments. While the chemical aspects of the role of water in biology are well-studied, the effects of waters physical characteristics on evolutionary events, such as the control of population structure via its rich transport properties, are less clear. Evolutionary transitions such as the emergence of the first cells and of multicellularity, require cooperation among groups of individuals. However, evolution of cooperation faces challenges in unstructured well-mixed populations, as parasites quickly overwhelm cooperators. Models that assume population structure to promote cooperation envision such structure to arise from spatial lattice models (e.g. surface bound individuals) or compartmentalization models, often realized as protocells. Here we study the effect of turbulent motions in spatial models, and propose that coherent structures, i.e. flow patterns which trap fluid and arise naturally in turbulent flows, may serve many of the properties associated with compartments--collocalization, division, and merging--and thought to play a key role in the origins of life and other evolutionary transitions. These results suggest that group selection models may be applicable with fewer physical and chemical constraints than previously thought, and apply much more widely in aqueous environments.
