Trimaximal TM$_1$ mixing with two modular $S_4$ groups

Abstract in English

We discuss a minimal flavour model with twin modular symmetries, leading to trimaximal TM$_1$ lepton mixing in which the first column of the tri-bimaximal lepton mixing matrix is preserved. The model involves two modular $S_4$ groups, one acting in the neutrino sector, associated with a modulus field value $tau_{SU}$ with residual $Z^{SU}_2$ symmetry, and one acting in the charged lepton sector, associated with a modulus field value $tau_{T}$ with residual $Z^{T}_3$ symmetry. Apart from the predictions of TM$_1$ mixing, the model leads to a new neutrino mass sum rule which implies lower bounds on neutrino masses close to current limits from neutrinoless double beta decay experiments and cosmology.
