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The 2017 Failed Outburst of GX 339-4: Relativistic X-ray Reflection near the Black Hole Revealed by NuSTAR and Swift Spectroscopy

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 Added by Javier Garcia
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We report on the spectroscopic analysis of the black hole binary GX 339-4 during its recent 2017-2018 outburst, observed simultaneously by the Swift and NuSTAR observatories. Although during this particular outburst the source failed to make state transitions, and despite Sun constraints during the peak luminosity, we were able to trigger four different observations sampling the evolution of the source in the hard state. We show that even for the lowest luminosity observations the NuSTAR spectra show clear signatures of X-ray reprocessing (reflection) in an accretion disk. Detailed analysis of the highest signal-to-noise spectra with our family of relativistic reflection models RELXILL indicates the presence of both broad and narrow reflection components. We find that a dual-lamppost model provides a superior fit when compared to the standard single lamppost plus distant neutral reflection. In the dual lamppost model two sources at different heights are placed on the rotational axis of the black hole, suggesting that the narrow component of the Fe K emission is likely to originate in regions far away in the disk, but still significantly affected by its rotational motions. Regardless of the geometry assumed, we find that the inner edge of the accretion disk reaches a few gravitational radii in all our fits, consistent with previous determinations at similar luminosity levels. This confirms a very low degree of disk truncation for this source at luminosities above ~1% Eddington. Our estimates of Rin reinforces the suggested behavior for an inner disk that approaches the inner-most regions as the luminosity increases in the hard state.

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We analyze seven NICER and NuSTAR epochs of the black hole X-ray binary GX 339-4 in the hard state during its two most recent hard-only outbursts in 2017 and 2019. These observations cover the 1-100 keV unabsorbed luminosities between 0.3% and 2.1% of the Eddington limit. With NICERs negligible pile-up, high count rate and unprecedented time resolution, we perform a spectral-timing analysis and spectral modeling using relativistic and distant reflection models. Our spectral fitting shows that as the inner disk radius moves inwards, the thermal disk emission increases in flux and temperature, the disk becomes more highly ionized and the reflection fraction increases. This coincides with the inner disk increasing its radiative efficiency around ~1% Eddington. We see a hint of hysteresis effect at ~0.3% of Eddington: the inner radius is significantly truncated during the rise ($>49R_{g}$), while only a mild truncation ($sim5R_g$) is found during the decay. At higher frequencies ($2-7$~Hz) in the highest luminosity epoch, a soft lag is present, whose energy dependence reveals a thermal reverberation lag, with an amplitude similar to previous findings for this source. We also discuss the plausibility of the hysteresis effect and the debate of the disk truncation problem in the hard state.
We investigate variability of optical and near-infrared light curves of the X-ray binary GX 339-4 on a timescale of days. We use the data in four filters from six intervals corresponding to the soft state and from four intervals corresponding to the quiescent state. In the soft state, we find prominent oscillations with the average period P = 1.772 $pm$ 0.003 d, which is offset from the measured orbital period of the system by 0.7 per cent. We suggest that the measured periodicity originates from the superhumps. In line with this interpretation we find no periodicity in the quiescent state. The obtained period excess $epsilon$ is below typical values found for cataclysmic variables for the same mass ratio of the binary. We discuss implications of this finding in the context of the superhump theory.
Black hole X-ray binaries show signs of non-thermal emission in the optical/near-infrared range. We analyze the optical/near-infrared SMARTS data on GX339$-$4 over the 2002--2011 period. Using the soft state data, we estimate the interstellar extinction towards the source and characteristic color temperatures of the accretion disk. We show that various spectral states of regular outbursts occupy similar regions on the color-magnitude diagrams, and that transitions between the states proceed along the same tracks despite substantial differences in the observed light curves morphology. We determine the typical duration of the hard-to-soft and soft-to-hard state transitions and the hard state at the decaying stage of the outburst to be one, two and four weeks, respectively. We find that the failed outbursts cannot be easily distinguished from the regular ones at their early stages, but if the source reaches 16 mag in $V$-band, it will transit to the soft state. By subtracting the contribution of the accretion disk, we obtain the spectra of the non-thermal component, which have constant, nearly flat shape during the transitions between the hard and soft states. In contrast to the slowly evolving non-thermal component seen at optical and near-infrared wavelengths, the mid-infrared spectrum is strongly variable on short timescales and sometimes shows a prominent excess with a cutoff below $10^{14}$ Hz. We show that the radio to optical spectrum can be modeled using three components corresponding to the jet, hot flow and irradiated accretion disk.
We analyze eleven NuSTAR and Swift observations of the black hole X-ray binary GX 339-4 in the hard state, six of which were taken during the end of the 2015 outburst, five during a failed outburst in 2013. These observations cover luminosities from 0.5%-5% of the Eddington luminosity. Implementing the most recent version of the reflection model relxillCp, we perform simultaneous spectral fits on both datasets to track the evolution of the properties in the accretion disk including the inner edge radius, the ionization, and temperature of the thermal emission. We also constrain the photon index and electron temperature of the primary source (the corona). We find the disk becomes more truncated when the luminosity decreases, and observe a maximum truncation radius of $37R_g$. We also explore a self-consistent model under the framework of coronal Comptonization, and find consistent results regarding the disk truncation in the 2015 data, providing a more physical preferred fit for the 2013 observations.
The existing radio and X-ray flux correlation for Galactic black holes in the hard and quiescent states relies on a sample which is mostly dominated by two sources (GX 339-4 and V404 Cyg) observed in a single outburst. In this paper, we report on a series of radio and X-ray observations of the recurrent black hole GX 339-4 with the Australia Telescope Compact Array, the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer and the Swift satellites. With our new long term campaign, we now have a total of 88 quasi-simultaneous radio and X-ray observations of GX 339-4 during its hard state, covering a total of seven outbursts over a 15--year period. Our new measurements represent the largest sample for a stellar mass black hole, without any bias from distance uncertainties, over the largest flux variations and down to a level that could be close to quiescence, making GX 339-4 the reference source for comparison with other accreting sources (black holes, neutrons stars, white dwarfs and active galactic nuclei). Our results demonstrate a very strong and stable coupling between radio and X-ray emission, despite several outbursts of different nature and separated by a period of quiescence. The radio and X-ray luminosity correlation of the form L_X ~L_Rad^0.62 +/-0.01 confirms the non-linear coupling between the jet and the inner accretion flow powers and better defines the standard correlation track in the radio-X-ray diagram for stellar mass black holes. We further note epochs of deviations from the fit that significantly exceed the measurement uncertainties, especially during the formation and destruction of the compact jets ...[abridged]. We incorporated our new data in a more global study of black hole candidates strongly supporting a scale invariance in the jet-accretion coupling of accreting black holes, and confirms the existence of two populations of sources in the radio/X-ray diagram.
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