Betti tables of monomial ideals fixed by permutations of the variables

Abstract in English

Let $S_n$ be a polynomial ring with $n$ variables over a field and ${I_n}_{n geq 1}$ a chain of ideals such that each $I_n$ is a monomial ideal of $S_n$ fixed by permutations of the variables. In this paper, we present a way to determine all nonzero positions of Betti tables of $I_n$ for all large intergers $n$ from the $mathbb Z^m$-graded Betti table of $I_m$ for some integer $m$. Our main result shows that the projective dimension and the regularity of $I_n$ eventually become linear functions on $n$, confirming a special case of conjectures posed by Le, Nagel, Nguyen and Romer.
