A parametric Bayesian level set approach for acoustic source identification using multiple frequency information

Abstract in English

The reconstruction of the unknown acoustic source is studied using the noisy multiple frequency data on a remote closed surface. Assume that the unknown source is coded in a spatial dependent piecewise constant function, whose support set is the target to be determined. In this setting, the unknown source can be formalized by a level set function. The function is explored with Bayesian level set approach. To reduce the infinite dimensional problem to finite dimension, we parameterize the level set function by the radial basis expansion. The well-posedness of the posterior distribution is proven. The posterior samples are generated according to the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm and the sample mean is used to approximate the unknown. Several shapes are tested to verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. These numerical results show that the proposed algorithm is feasible and competitive with the Matern random field for the acoustic source problem.
