Unfolding codimension-two subsumed homoclinic connections in two-dimensional piecewise-linear maps

Abstract in English

For piecewise-linear maps, the phenomenon that a branch of a one-dimensional unstable manifold of a periodic solution is completely contained in its stable manifold is codimension-two. Unlike codimension-one homoclinic corners, such `subsumed homoclinic connections can be associated with stable periodic solutions. The purpose of this paper is to determine the dynamics near a generic subsumed homoclinic connection in two dimensions. Assuming the eigenvalues associated with the periodic solution satisfy $0 < |lambda| < 1 < sigma < frac{1}{|lambda|}$, in a two-parameter unfolding there exists an infinite sequence of roughly triangular regions within which the map has a stable single-round periodic solution. The result applies to both discontinuous and continuous maps, although these cases admit different characterisations for the border-collision bifurcations that correspond to boundaries of the regions. The result is illustrated with a discontinuous map of Mira and the two-dimensional border-collision normal form.
