Extensions of the generalized hedgehog ansatz for the Einstein-nonlinear $sigma$-model system: black holes with NUT, black strings and time-dependent solutions

Abstract in English

We consider a class of ansatze for the construction of exact solutions of the Einstein-nonlinear $sigma$-model system with an arbitrary cosmological constant in (3+1) dimensions. Exploiting a geometric interplay between the $SU(2)$ field and Killing vectors of the spacetime reduces the matter field equations to a single scalar equation (identically satisfied in some cases) and simultaneously simplifies Einsteins equations. This is then exemplified over various classes of spacetimes, which allows us to construct stationary black holes with a NUT parameter and uniform black strings, as well as time-dependent solutions such as Robinson-Trautman and Kundt spacetimes, Vaidya-type radiating black holes and certain Bianchi~IX cosmologies. In addition to new solutions, some previously known ones are rederived in a more systematic way.
