Pseudo-spin symmetry restoration and the in-medium balance between nuclear attractive and repulsive interactions

Abstract in English

The mechanism that restores the pseudo-spin symmetry (PSS) are investigated under the relativistic Hartree-Fock (RHF) approach, by focusing on the in-medium balance between nuclear attractive and repulsive interactions. It is illustrated that the modelings of both the equilibrium of nuclear dynamics and the in-medium effects can be essentially changed by the $rho$-tensor coupling that play the role almost fully via the Fock terms, from which the model discrepancy on the PSS restoration is verified. Specifically, the largely different density-dependent behaviors of the isoscalar coupling strengths $g_sigma$ and $g_omega$, deduced from the parametrization of the RHF Lagrangian PKA1, play an essential role in restoring the PSS of the high-$l$ pseudo-spin doublets around the Fermi levels. Qualitatively, a guidance is provided for the modelings of both the equilibrium of nuclear dynamics and the in-medium effects via the PSS restoration.
