TESS Hunt for Young and Maturing Exoplanets (THYME): A planet in the 45 Myr Tucana-Horologium association

Abstract in English

Young exoplanets are snapshots of the planetary evolution process. Planets that orbit stars in young associations are particularly important because the age of the planetary system is well constrained. We present the discovery of a transiting planet larger than Neptune but smaller than Saturn in the 45 Myr Tucana-Horologium young moving group. The host star is a visual binary, and our follow-up observations demonstrate that the planet orbits the G6V primary component, DS Tuc A (HD 222259A, TIC 410214986). We first identified transits using photometry from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS; alerted as TOI 200.01). We validated the planet and improved the stellar parameters using a suite of new and archival data, including spectra from SOAR/Goodman, SALT/HRS and LCO/NRES; transit photometry from Spitzer; and deep adaptive optics imaging from Gemini/GPI. No additional stellar or planetary signals are seen in the data. We measured the planetary parameters by simultaneously modeling the photometry with a transit model and a Gaussian process to account for stellar variability. We determined that the planetary radius is $5.70pm0.17$ Earth radii and that the orbital period is 8.1 days. The inclination angles of the host stars spin axis, the planets orbital axis, and the visual binarys orbital axis are aligned within 15 degrees to within the uncertainties of the relevant data. DS Tuc Ab is bright enough (V=8.5) for detailed characterization using radial velocities and transmission spectroscopy.
