Four newly discovered HII galaxies

Abstract in English

We present the results of spectroscopy campaigns for planetary nebula candidates, where we have identified four objects as Seyfert galaxies. All observations have been carried out by a group of French amateur astronomers. During the campaigns at the Cote dAzur observatory at Calern (France), four HII galaxies could be identified. Using the naming convention of our campaign, these objects are (1) App 1 (RA: 22h 49m 20.23s, DEC: +46{deg}07{arcmin}37.17{arcsec}), (2) Pre 21 (RA: 18h 04m 19.62s, DEC: +00{deg}08{arcmin}04.96{arcsec}), (3) Pre 24 (RA: 04h 25m 53.63s, DEC: +39{deg}49{arcmin}19.69{arcsec}), and (4) Ra 69 (RA: 19h 30m 23.64s, DEC: +37{deg}37{arcmin}06.58{arcsec}).
