Multiple-colliding laser pulses as a basis for studying high-field high-energy physics

Abstract in English

Apart from maximizing the strength of optical electromagnetic fields achievable at high-intensity laser facilities, the collision of several phase-matched laser pulses has been theoretically identified as a trigger of and way to study various phenomena. These range from the basic processes of strong-field quantum electrodynamics to the extraordinary dynamics of the generated electron-positron plasmas. This has paved the way for several experimental proposals aimed at both fundamental studies of matter at extreme conditions and the creation of particle and radiation sources. Because of the unprecedented capabilities of such sources they have the potential to open up new opportunities for experimental studies in nuclear and quark-gluon physics. We here perform a systematic analysis of different regimes and opportunities achievable with the concept of multiple-colliding laser pulses (MCLP), for both current and upcoming laser facilities. We reveal that several distinct regimes could be within reach of multi-PW laser facilities.
