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In-flight photometry extraction of PLATO targets: Optimal apertures for detecting extrasolar planets

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 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The ESA PLATO space mission is devoted to unveiling and characterizing new extrasolar planets and their host stars. This mission will encompass a very large field of view, granting it the potential to survey up to one million stars depending on the final observation strategy. The telemetry budget of the spacecraft cannot handle transmitting individual images for such a huge stellar sample at the right cadence, so the development of an appropriate strategy to perform on-board data reduction is mandatory. We employ aperture photometry to produce stellar light curves in flight. Our aim is thus to find the mask model that optimizes the scientific performance of the reduced data. We considered three distinct aperture models: binary mask, weighted Gaussian mask, and weighted gradient mask giving lowest noise-to-signal ratio, computed through a novel direct method. An innovative criterion was adopted for choosing between different mask models. We designated as optimal the model providing the best compromise between sensitivity to detect true and false planet transits. We determined the optimal model based on simulated noise-to-signal ratio and frequency of threshold crossing events. Our results show that, although the binary mask statistically presents a few percent higher noise-to-signal ratio compared to weighted masks, both strategies have very similar efficiency in detecting legitimate planet transits. When it comes to avoiding spurious signals from contaminant stars however the binary mask statistically collects considerably less contaminant flux than weighted masks, thereby allowing the former to deliver up to $sim$30% less false transit signatures at $7.1sigma$. Our proposed approach for choosing apertures has been proven to be decisive for the determination of a mask model capable to provide near maximum planet yield and substantially reduced occurrence of false positives.

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The search for extrasolar rocky planets has already found the first transiting rocky super-Earth, Corot 7b, with a surface temperature that allows for magma oceans. Here we ask if we could distinguish rocky planets with recent major volcanism by remote observation. We develop a model for volcanic eruptions on an Earth-like exoplanet based on the present day Earth, derive the observable features in emergent and transmission spectra for multiple scenarios of gas distribution and cloudcover. We calculate the observation time needed to detect explosive volcanism on exoplanets in primary as well as secondary eclipse and discuss the likelihood of observing volcanism on transiting Earth to super-Earth sized exoplanets. We find that sulfur dioxide from large explosive eruptions does present a spectral signal that is remotely detectable especially for secondary eclipse measurements around the closest stars using ground based telescopes, and report the frequency and magnitude of the expected signatures. Transit probability of planet in the habitable zone decreases with distance to the host star, making small, close by host stars the best targets
Imaging planets in reflected light, a key focus of future NASA missions and ELTs, requires advanced wavefront control to maintain a deep, temporally correlated null of stellar halo -- i.e. a dark hole -- at just several diffraction beam widths. Using the Ames Coronagraph Experiment testbed, we present the first laboratory tests of Spatial Linear Dark Field Control (LDFC) approaching raw contrasts ($sim$ 5$times$10$^{-7}$) and separations (1.5--5.2 $lambda$/D) needed to image jovian planets around Sun-like stars with space-borne coronagraphs like WFIRST-CGI and image exo-Earths around low-mass stars with future ground-based 30m class telescopes. In four separate experiments and for a range of different perturbations, LDFC largely restores (to within a factor of 1.2--1.7) and maintains a dark hole whose contrast is degraded by phase errors by an order of magnitude. Our implementation of classical speckle nulling requires a factor of 2--5 more iterations and 20--50 DM commands to reach contrasts obtained by spatial LDFC. Our results provide a promising path forward to maintaining dark holes without relying on DM probing and in the low-flux regime, which may improve the duty cycle of high-contrast imaging instruments, increase the temporal correlation of speckles, and thus enhance our ability to image true solar system analogues in the next two decades.
471 - Ing-Guey Jiang 2009
Using the period and mass data of two hundred and seventy-nine extrasolar planets, we have constructed a coupled period-mass function through the non-parametric approach. This analytic expression of the coupled period-mass function has been obtained for the first time in this field. Moreover, due to a moderate period-mass correlation, the shapes of mass/period functions vary as a function of period/mass. These results of mass and period functions give way to two important implications: (1) the deficit of massive close-in planets is confirmed, and (2) the more massive planets have larger ranges of possible semi-major axes. These interesting statistical results will provide important clues into the theories of planetary formation.
We present here fully optimized two-dimensional pupil apodizations for which no specific geometric constraints are put on the pupil plane apodization, apart from the shape of the aperture itself. Masks for circular and segmented apertures are displayed, with and without central obstruction and spiders. Examples of optimal masks are shown for Subaru, SPICA and JWST. Several high-contrast regions are considered with different sizes, positions, shapes and contrasts. It is interesting to note that all the masks that result from these optimizations tend to have a binary transmission profile.
141 - T. Roell , A. Seifahrt (1 , 2 2012
Analyzing exoplanets detected by radial velocity or transit observations, we determine the multiplicity of exoplanet host stars in order to study the influence of a stellar companion on the properties of planet candidates. Matching the host stars of exoplanet candidates detected by radial velocity or transit observations with online multiplicity catalogs in addition to a literature search, 57 exoplanet host stars are identified having a stellar companion. The resulting multiplicity rate of at least 12 percent for exoplanet host stars is about four times smaller than the multiplicity of solar like stars in general. The mass and the number of planets in stellar multiple systems depend on the separation between their host star and its nearest stellar companion, e.g. the planetary mass decreases with an increasing stellar separation. We present an updated overview of exoplanet candidates in stellar multiple systems, including 15 new systems (compared to the latest summary from 2009).
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