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Upper Critical Field Based on the Width of $Delta$H = $Delta$B region in a Superconductor

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 Added by Hunbong Lee
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We studied a method of measuring upper critical field (H$_{c2}$) of a superconductor based on the width of $Delta$H = $Delta$B region, which appears in the superconductor that volume defects are many and dominant. Here we present the basic concept and details of the method. Although H$_{c2}$ of a superconductor is fixed according to kind of the superconductor, it is difficult to measure H$_{c2}$ experimentally, and the results are different depending on the experimental conditions. H$_{c2}$ was calculated from the theory that pinned fluxes at volume defects are picked out and move into an inside of the superconductor when their arrangement is the same as that of H$_{c2}$ state of the superconductor. H$_{c2}$ of MgB$_2$ obtained by the method was 65.4 Tesla at 0 K. The reason that H$_{c2}$ obtained by the method is closer to ultimate H$_{c2}$ is based on that $Delta$F$_{pinning}$/$Delta$F$_{pickout}$ is more than 4 when pinned fluxes at volume defects of 163 nm radius are picked out. The method will help to find the ultimate H$_{c2}$ of volume defect-dominating superconductors.

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117 - H. B. Lee , G. C. Kim , H. J. Park 2018
According to Ginzburg-Landau theory, it has been generally accepted that the diamagnetic property decreases after the lower critical field. However, we found that (Fe, Ti) particle doped MgB2 specimens reveal the Delta H = Delta B section in the magnetization curves, which are not following the theory. We present whether this phenomenon appears to be only confined to (Fe, Ti) particle doped Magnesium diborid superconductor, whether there is a theoretical basis and why it does not appear in other superconductors. We have understood that the cause of the Delta H = Delta B section is the pinning phenomenon of defects in the superconductor and it only occurs in volume defect dominating superconductors. The width of the Delta H = Delta B section along the number of defects and Hc2 was estimated assuming that defects are in the ideal state, and compared with experimental results. We hypothesized that pinned fluxes have to be picked out from the defect and move into an inside of a superconductor regardless free energy depth of the defect if the distance between fluxes pinned at the defect is equal to the one of upper critical field. It is considered that the reason that this phenomenon has not been reported yet is the flux jump of the volume defect dominating superconductor. The section means that the fluxes that have penetrated into a inside of a superconductor in which volume defects exist are preferentially pinned on them over the entire specimen before Ginzburg-Landau behavior. If the size of volume defects is uniform in some extent, the influence of the planar and line defects is small and the flux jump does not occur, we believe that the section must be observed in any superconductor. It is because this is one of the basic natures of pinning phenomenon in the volume defect dominating superconductor.
257 - Alain Audouard 2014
Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscillations and upper critical magnetic field ($H_{c2}$) of the iron-based superconductor FeSe ($T_c$ = 8.6 K) have been studied by tunnel diode oscillator-based measurements in magnetic fields of up to 55 T and temperatures down to 1.6 K. Several Fourier components enter the SdH oscillations spectrum with frequencies definitely smaller than predicted by band structure calculations indicating band renormalization and reconstruction of the Fermi surface at low temperature, in line with previous ARPES data. The Werthamer-Helfand-Hohenberg model accounts for the temperature dependence of $H_{c2}$ for magnetic field applied both parallel (textbf{H} $|$ $ab$) and perpendicular (textbf{H} $|$ $c$) to the iron conducting plane, suggesting that one band mainly controls the superconducting properties in magnetic fields despite the multiband nature of the Fermi surface. Whereas Pauli pair breaking is negligible for textbf{H} $|$ $c$, a Pauli paramagnetic contribution is evidenced for textbf{H} $|$ $ab$ with Maki parameter $alpha$ = 2.1, corresponding to Pauli field $H_{P}$ = 36.5 T
220 - Zhongxu Wei , Ge He , Wei Hu 2018
High-field electrical transport and point-contact tunneling spectroscopy were used to investigate superconducting properties of the unique spinel oxide, LiTi$_2$O$_{4-delta}$ films with various oxygen content. We find that the upper critical field $B_mathrm{c2}$ gradually increases as more oxygen impurities are brought into the samples by carefully tuning the deposition atmosphere. It is striking that although the superconducting transition temperature and energy gap are almost unchanged, an astonishing isotropic $B_mathrm{c2}$ up to $sim$ 26 Tesla is observed in oxygen-rich sample, which is doubled compared to the anoxic sample and breaks the Pauli limit. Such anomalies of $B_mathrm{c2}$ were rarely reported in other three dimensional superconductors. Combined with all the anomalies, three dimensional spin-orbit interaction induced by tiny oxygen impurities is naturally proposed to account for the remarkable enhancement of $B_mathrm{c2}$ in oxygen-rich LiTi$_2$O$_{4-delta}$ films. Such mechanism could be general and therefore provides ideas for optimizing practical superconductors with higher $B_mathrm{c2}$.
211 - Xiyu Zhu , Huan Yang , Lei Fang 2008
By using a two-step method, we successfully synthesized the iron based new superconductor LaFeAsO_{0.9}F_{0.1-delta}$. The resistive transition curves under different magnetic fields were measured, leading to the determination of the upper critical field Hc2(T) of this new superconductor. The value of Hc2 at zero temperature is estimated to be about 50 Tesla roughly. In addition, the Hall effect and magnetoresistance were measured in wide temperature region. A negative Hall coefficient R_H has been found, implying a dominant conduction mainly by electron-like charge carriers in this material. The charge carrier density determined at 100 K is about 9.8E20cm^{-3}, which is close to the cuprate superconductors. It is further found that the magnetoresistance does not follow Kohlers law. Meanwhile, the different temperature dependence behaviors of resistivity, Hall coefficient, and magnetoresistance have anomalous properties at about 230 K, which may be induced by some exotic scattering mechanism.
We present a detailed study of the electrical transport properties of YBa2Cu3O7-{delta} thin film. The irreversibility fields ({mu}_0 H_irr), upper critical fields ({mu}_0 H_C2), penetration depths ({lambda}) and coherence lengths ({xi} ) of the YBa2Cu3O7-{delta} materials are deduced from the resistivity curves. Itis observed that {mu}_0 H_irr, {mu}_0 H_C2 and {Delta}Tc of the film strongly depend on the direction and strength of the field. The coherence length {xi} (0) and penetration depth {lambda} (0) values at T = 0 K has been calculated from the irreversibility fields ({mu}_0 H_irr) and upper critical fields ({mu}_0 H_C2) respectively. Based on all the results, the change of the superconducting properties as a function of the magnetic field direction presents the anisotropy of the sample produced.
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