Extrapolation of nuclear structure observables with artificial neural networks

Abstract in English

Calculations of nuclei are often carried out in finite model spaces. Thus, finite-size corrections enter, and it is necessary to extrapolate the computed observables to infinite model spaces. In this work, we employ extrapolation methods based on artificial neural networks for observables such as the ground-state energy and the point-proton radius. We extrapolate results from no-core shell model and coupled-cluster calculations to very large model spaces and estimate uncertainties. Training the network on different data typically yields extrapolation results that cluster around distinct values. We show that a preprocessing of input data, and the inclusion of correlations among the input data, reduces the problem of multiple solutions and yields more stable extrapolated results and consistent uncertainty estimates. We perform extrapolations for ground-state energies and radii in $^{4}$He, $^{6}$Li, and $^{16}$O, and compare the predictions from neural networks with results from infrared extrapolations.
