Swirling fluid flow in flexible, expandable elastic tubes: variational approach, reductions and integrability

Abstract in English

Many engineering and physiological applications deal with situations when a fluid is moving in flexible tubes with elastic walls. In the real-life applications like blood flow, there is often an additional complexity of vorticity being present in the fluid. We present a theory for the dynamics of interaction of fluids and structures. The equations are derived using the variational principle, with the incompressibility constraint of the fluid giving rise to a pressure-like term. In order to connect this work with the previous literature, we consider the case of inextensible and unshearable tube with a straight centerline. In the absence of vorticity, our model reduces to previous models considered in the literature, yielding the equations of conservation of fluid momentum, wall momentum and the fluid volume. We show that even when the vorticity is present, but is kept at a constant value, the case of an inextensible, unshearable and straight tube with elastics walls carrying a fluid allows an alternative formulation, reducing to a single compact equation for the back-to-labels map instead of three conservation equations. That single equation shows interesting instability in solutions when the vorticity exceeds a certain threshold. Furthermore, the equation in stable regime can be reduced to Boussinesq-type, KdV and Monge-Amp`ere equations equations in several appropriate limits, namely, the first two in the limit of long time and length scales and the third one in the additional limit of the small cross-sectional area. For the unstable regime, we numerical solutions demonstrate the spontaneous appearance of large oscillations in the cross-sectional area.
