Simultaneous Perfect Bending and Polarization Rotation of Electromagnetic Wavefront using Chiral Gradient Metasurfaces

Abstract in English

We introduce chiral gradient metasurfaces that allow perfect transmission of all the incident wave into a desired direction and simultaneous perfect rotation of the polarization of the refracted wave with respect to the incident one. Besides using gradient polarization densities which provide bending of the refracted wave with respect to the incident one, using metasurface inclusions that are chiral allows the polarization of the refracted wave to be rotated. We suggest a possible realization of the proposed device by discretizing the required equivalent surface polarization densities realized by proper helical inclusions at each discretization point. By only using a single optically thin layer of chiral inclusions, we are able to unprecedentedly deflect a normal incident plane wave to a refracted plane wave at $45^{circ}$ with $72%$ power efficiency which is accompanied by a $90^{circ}$ polarization rotation. The proposed concepts and design method may find practical applications in polarization rotation devices at microwaves as well as in optics, especially when the incident power is required to be deflected.
