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Controlling Fano resonance using the Geometrical Phase of light in spatially tailored waveguided plasmonic crystals

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 Added by Ankit Kumar Singh
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Fano resonance exhibiting an asymmetric spectral line shape is a universal phenomenon observed in diverse physical systems. Here we experimentally establish a direct link between the spectral asymmetry parameter and a physically realizable phase factor of interference between a continuum and a discrete mode that leads to Fano resonance. Using a specially designed metamaterial, namely waveguided plasmonic crystal with a spatially varying orientation axis of plasmonic grating, we demonstrate control on the spectral asymmetry of the Fano resonance through changes in the geometric phase of polarized light. In this scenario, the changes in the geometric phase for input left, and right circular polarized light arises due to varying orientation angle of the grating axis. The systematic changes in the geometric phase and the resulting q-parameter of Fano resonance is interpreted by an appropriate theoretical model connecting the two physical entities. The demonstrated control over the spectral line shape of Fano resonance achieved by tailoring geometric phase may open up novel routes for polarization-based photonic applications.

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We present a simple yet elegant Mueller matrix approach for controlling the Fano interference effect and engineering the resulting asymmetric spectral line shape in anisotropic optical system. The approach is founded on a generalized model of anisotropic Fano resonance, which relates the spectral asymmetry to two physically meaningful and experimentally accessible parameters of interference, namely, the Fano phase shift and the relative amplitudes of the interfering modes. The differences in these parameters between orthogonal linear polarizations in an anisotropic system are exploited to desirably tune the Fano spectral asymmetry using pre- and post-selection of optimized polarization states. Experimental control on the Fano phase and the relative amplitude parameters and resulting tuning of spectral asymmetry is demonstrated in waveguided plasmonic crystals using Mueller matrix-based polarization analysis. The approach enabled tailoring of several exotic regimes of Fano resonance including the complete reversal of the spectral asymmetry. The demonstrated control and the ensuing large tunability of Fano resonance in anisotropic systems shows potential for Fano resonance-based applications involving control and manipulation of electromagnetic waves at the nano scale.
215 - Jian-Qi Zhang , Yi Xu , Keyu Xia 2014
Observation of the Fano line shapes is essential to understand properties of the Fano resonance in different physical systems. We explore a tunable Fano resonance by tuning the phase shift in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) based on a single-mode nano-optomechanical cavity. The Fano resonance is resulted from the optomechanically induced transparency caused by a nano-mechanical resonator and can be tuned by applying an optomechanical MZI. By tuning the phase shift in one arm of the MZI, we can observe the periodically varying line shapes of the Fano resonance, which represents an elaborate manipulation of the Fano resonance in the nanoscale optomechanics.
In this work, the circular dichroisms (CD) of nanorice heterodimers consisting of two parallel arranged nanorices with the same size but different materials are investigated theoretically. Symmetry-breaking is introduced by using different materials and oblique incidence to achieve strong CD at the vicinity of Fano resonance peaks. We demonstrate that all Au-Ag heterodimers exhibit multipolar Fano resonances and strong CD effect. A simple quantitative analysis shows that the structure with larger Fano asymmetry factor has stronger CD. The intensity and peak positions of the CD effect can be flexibly tuned in a large range by changing particle size, shape, the inter-particle distance and surroundings. Furthermore, CD spectra exhibit high sensitivity to ambient medium in visible and near infrared regions. Our results here are beneficial for the design and application of high sensitive CD sensors and other related fields.
In the quest to enhance light-matter interactions and miniaturize photonics devices, it is crucial to create a strong field enhancement with lower material losses. Here we combine a plasmonic Fano resonance supported by the silver cluster and anapole states realized by the silicon disk to create a larger field enhancement with less loss through a strong coupling effect. Besides, by varying the gap size we find that the resonances wavelength and the Rabi-splitting can be tuned over a wide range of wavelength, which can achieve a giant splitting energy over 300 meV. We further demonstrate that it is the interference of magnetic currents loops which induces the strong coupling. Due to the strong coupling, the hybrid antenna can provide both larger decay rate and radiative decay rate, which makes it promising for high-performance miniaturized optical devices.
In this work, we present a novel technique to directly measure the phase shift of the optical signal scattered by single plasmonic nanoparticles in a diffraction-limited laser focus. We accomplish this by equipping an inverted confocal microscope with a Michelson interferometer and scanning single nanoparticles through the focal volume while recording interferograms of the scattered and a reference wave for each pixel. For the experiments, lithographically prepared gold nanorods where used, since their plasmon resonances can be controlled via their aspect ratio. We have developed a theoretical model for image formation in confocal scattering microscopy for nanoparticles considerably smaller than the diffraction limited focus We show that the phase shift observed for particles with different longitudinal particle plasmon resonances can be well explained by the harmonic oscillator model. The direct measurement of the phase shift can further improve the understanding of the elastic scattering of individual gold nanoparticles with respect to their plasmonic properties.
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