On stratification for spaces with Noetherian mod $p$ cohomology

Abstract in English

Let $X$ be a topological space with Noetherian mod $p$ cohomology and let $C^*(X;mathbb{F}_p)$ be the commutative ring spectrum of $mathbb{F}_p$-valued cochains on $X$. The goal of this paper is to exhibit conditions under which the category of module spectra on $C^*(X;mathbb{F}_p)$ is stratified in the sense of Benson, Iyengar, Krause, providing a classification of all its localizing subcategories. We establish stratification in this sense for classifying spaces of a large class of topological groups including Kac--Moody groups as well as whenever $X$ admits an $H$-space structure. More generally, using Lannes theory we prove that stratification for $X$ is equivalent to a condition that generalizes Chouinards theorem for finite groups. In particular, this relates the generalized telescope conjecture in this setting to a question in unstable homotopy theory.
