Non-Lorentzian M5-brane Theories from Holography

Abstract in English

M-theory on $AdS_7 times S^4$ admits a description where the $AdS_7$ factor is constructed as a timelike Hopf fibration over a non-compact three dimensional complex projective space $tilde{mathbb{CP}}^3$. We consider the worldvolume theory for M5-branes at a fixed $tilde{mathbb{CP}}^3$ radius which, after reduction along the timelike fibre, is given by an $Omega$-deformed Yang-Mills theory with eight supercharges. Taking the radius to infinity then induces a classical RG flow. We construct the fixed point action which has an enhanced 24 supercharges and which can be understood as the $(2,0)$ theory of M5-branes on flat space reduced along a compact null Killing direction.
