Charmed dibaryon resonances in the potential quark model

Abstract in English

Charmed dibaryon states with the spin-parity $J^{pi}=0^+$, $1^+$, and $2^+$are predicted for the two-body $Y_cN$ ($=Lambda_c$, $Sigma_c$, or $Sigma^*_c$) systems. We employ the complex scaling method for the coupled channel Hamiltonian with the $Y_cN$-CTNN potentials, which were proposed in our previous study. We find four sharp resonance states near the $Sigma_c N$ and $Sigma^*_c N$ thresholds. From the analysis of the binding energies of partial channel systems, we conclude that these resonance states are Feshbach resonances. We compare the results with the $Y_c N$ resonance states in the heavy quark limit, where the $Sigma_c N$ and $Sigma^*_c N$ thresholds are degenerate, and find that they form two pairs of the heavy-quark doublets in agreement with the heavy quark spin symmetry.
