Broadband SiN asymmetric directional coupler for 840 nm operation

Abstract in English

Silicon nitride based photonic integrated circuits offer a wavelength operation window in the near infrared down to visible light, which makes them attractive for life science applications. However, they exhibit significantly different behavior in comparison with better-established silicon on insulator counterparts due to the lower index contrast. Among the most important building blocks in photonic integrated circuits are broadband couplers with a defined coupling ratio. We present silicon nitride broadband asymmetric directional coupler designs with 50/50 and 90/10 splitting ratios with a central wavelength of 840 nm for both TE- and TM-like polarization. We show that silicon nitride broadband asymmetric directional couplers can be designed accurately in a time efficient way by using a general implementation of the coupled mode theory. The accuracy of the coupled mode theory approach is validated with finite difference time domain simulations and confirmed with measurements of four coupler configurations.
