Probabilistic Teleportation of a Single Qubit: Unearthing New W-Class of States

Abstract in English

In this work, we propose a probabilistic teleportation protocol to teleport a single qubit via three-qubit W-states using two-qubit measurement basis. We show that for the proper choice of the state parameter of the resource state, it is possible to make success probability of the protocol very high. We deduce the condition for the successful execution of our teleportation protocol and this gives us new class of three-qubit W-states which act as a resource state. We have constructed operators that can be used to verify the condition of teleportation in experiment. This verification is necessary for the detection of whether the given three-qubit state is useful in our teleportation protocol or not. Further we quantify the amount of entanglement contained in the newly identified shared W-class of states. Moreover, we show that the W-class of shared state used in the teleportation protocol can be prepared using NMR set up.
