A Comparative Study on Monte Carlo Simulations of Electron Emission from Liquid Water

Abstract in English

Liquid water has been proved to be an excellent medium for specimen structure imaging by a scanning electron microscope. Knowledge of electron-water interaction physics and particularly the secondary electron yield is essential to the interpretation of the imaging contrast. However, very little is known up to now experimentally on the low energy electron interaction with liquid water because of certain practical limitations. It is then important to gain some useful information about electron emission from water by a Monte Carlo (MC) simulation technique that can numerically model electron transport trajectories in water. In this study, we have performed MC simulations of electron emission from liquid water in the primary energy range of 50 eV-30 keV by using two different codes, i.e. a classical MC (CMC) code developed in our laboratory and the Geant4-DNA (G4DNA) code. The calculated secondary electron yield and electron backscattering coefficient are compared with experimental results wherever applicable to verify the validity of physical models for the electron-water interaction. The secondary electron yield vs. primary energy curves calculated by the two codes present the same generic curve shape as that of metals but in rather different absolute values. G4DNA yields the underestimated absolute values due to the application of one step thermalization model by setting a cutoff energy at 7.4 eV so that the low energy losses due to phonon excitations are omitted. Our CMC calculation of secondary electron yield is closer to the experimental data and the energy distribution is reasonable. It is concluded that a full dielectric function data at low energy loss values below 7.4 eV shall be employed in G4DNA model for the modeling of low energy electrons.
