SUSY discovery prospects with MoEDAL

Abstract in English

We present a preliminary study on the possibility to search for massive long-lived electrically charged particles at the MoEDAL detector. MoEDAL is sensitive to highly ionising objects such as magnetic monopoles or massive (meta-)stable electrically charged particles and we focus on the latter in this paper. Requirements on triggering or reducing the cosmic-ray and cavern background, applied in the ATLAS and CMS analyses for long-lived particles, are not necessary at MoEDAL, due to its completely different detector design and extremely low background. On the other hand, MoEDAL requires slow-moving particles, resulting in sensitivity to massive states with typically small production cross sections. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we compare the sensitivities of MoEDAL versus ATLAS/CMS for various long-lived particles in supersymmetric models, and we seek a scenario where MoEDAL can provide discovery reach complementary to ATLAS and CMS.
