Coupled superfluidity of binary Bose mixtures in two dimensions

Abstract in English

We consider a two-component Bose gas in two dimensions at low temperature with short-range repulsive interaction. In the coexistence phase where both components are superfluid, inter-species interactions induce a nondissipative drag between the two superfluid flows (Andreev-Bashkin effect). We show that this behavior leads to a modification of the usual Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transition in two dimensions. We extend the renormalization of the superfluid densities at finite temperature using the renormalization group approach and find that the vortices of one component have a large influence on the superfluid properties of the other, mediated by the nondissipative drag. The extended BKT flow equations indicate that the occurrence of the vortex unbinding transition in one of the components can induce the breakdown of superfluidity also in the other, leading to a locking phenomenon for the critical temperatures of the two gases.
