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Crowdsourced wireless spectrum anomaly detection

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 Added by Sreeraj Rajendran
 Publication date 2019
and research's language is English

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Automated wireless spectrum monitoring across frequency, time and space will be essential for many future applications. Manual and fine-grained spectrum analysis is becoming impossible because of the large number of measurement locations and complexity of the spectrum use landscape. Detecting unexpected behaviors in the wireless spectrum from the collected data is a crucial part of this automated monitoring, and the control of detected anomalies is a key functionality to enable interaction between the automated system and the end user. In this paper we look into the wireless spectrum anomaly detection problem for crowdsourced sensors. We first analyze in detail the nature of these anomalies and design effective algorithms to bring the higher dimensional input data to a common feature space across sensors. Anomalies can then be detected as outliers in this feature space. In addition, we investigate the importance of user feedback in the anomaly detection process to improve the performance of unsupervised anomaly detection. Furthermore, schemes for generalizing user feedback across sensors are also developed to close the anomaly detection loop.

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Detecting anomalous behavior in wireless spectrum is a demanding task due to the sheer complexity of the electromagnetic spectrum use. Wireless spectrum anomalies can take a wide range of forms from the presence of an unwanted signal in a licensed band to the absence of an expected signal, which makes manual labeling of anomalies difficult and suboptimal. We present, Spectrum Anomaly Detector with Interpretable FEatures (SAIFE), an Adversarial Autoencoder (AAE) based anomaly detector for wireless spectrum anomaly detection using Power Spectral Density (PSD) data which achieves good anomaly detection and localization in an unsupervised setting. In addition, we investigate the models capabilities to learn interpretable features such as signal bandwidth, class and center frequency in a semi-supervised fashion. Along with anomaly detection the model exhibits promising results for lossy PSD data compression up to 120X and semisupervised signal classification accuracy close to 100% on three datasets just using 20% labeled samples. Finally the model is tested on data from one of the distributed Electrosense sensors over a long term of 500 hours showing its anomaly detection capabilities.
With the widespread adoption of cloud services, especially the extensive deployment of plenty of Web applications, it is important and challenging to detect anomalies from the packet payload. For example, the anomalies in the packet payload can be expressed as a number of specific strings which may cause attacks. Although some approaches have achieved remarkable progress, they are with limited applications since they are dependent on in-depth expert knowledge, e.g., signatures describing anomalies or communication protocol at the application level. Moreover, they might fail to detect the payload anomalies that have long-term dependency relationships. To overcome these limitations and adaptively detect anomalies from the packet payload, we propose a deep learning based framework which consists of two steps. First, a novel feature engineering method is proposed to obtain the block-based features via block sequence extraction and block embedding. The block-based features could encapsulate both the high-dimension information and the underlying sequential information which facilitate the anomaly detection. Second, a neural network is designed to learn the representation of packet payload based on Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). Furthermore, we cast the anomaly detection as a classification problem and stack a Multi-Layer Perception (MLP) on the above representation learning network to detect anomalies. Extensive experimental results on three public datasets indicate that our model could achieve a higher detection rate, while keeping a lower false positive rate compared with five state-of-the-art methods.
83 - Jing Xu , Yu Tian , Shuai Yuan 2021
Spectrum anomaly detection is of great importance in wireless communication to secure safety and improve spectrum efficiency. However, spectrum anomaly detection faces many difficulties, especially in unauthorized frequency bands. For example, the composition of unauthorized frequency bands is very complex and the abnormal usage patterns are unknown in prior. In this paper, a noise attention method is proposed for unsupervised spectrum anomaly detection in unauthorized bands. First of all, we theoretically prove that the anomalies in unauthorized bands will raise the noise floor of spectrogram after VAE reconstruction. Then, we introduce a novel anomaly metric named as noise attention score to more effectively capture spectrum anomaly. The effectiveness of the proposed method is experimentally verified in 2.4 GHz ISM band. Leveraging the noise attention score, the AUC metric of anomaly detection is increased by 0.193. The proposed method is beneficial to reliably detecting abnormal spectrum while keeping low false alarm rate.
We consider unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-assisted wireless communication employing UAVs as relay nodes to increase the throughput between a pair of transmitter and receiver. We focus on developing effective methods to position the UAV(s) in the sky in the presence of a major source of interference, the existence of which makes the problem non-trivial. First, we consider utilizing a single UAV, for which we develop a theoretical framework to determine its optimal position aiming to maximize the SIR of the system. To this end, we investigate the problem for three practical scenarios, in which the position of the UAV is: (i) vertically fixed, horizontally adjustable; (ii) horizontally fixed, vertically adjustable; (iii) both horizontally and vertically adjustable. Afterward, we consider employing multiple UAVs, for which we propose a cost-effective method that simultaneously minimizes the number of required UAVs and determines their optimal positions so as to guarantee a certain SIR of the system. We further develop a distributed placement algorithm, which can increase the SIR of the system given an arbitrary number of UAVs. Numerical simulations are provided to evaluate the performance of our proposed methods.
165 - Mengyuan Lee , Guanding Yu , 2019
Link scheduling in device-to-device (D2D) networks is usually formulated as a non-convex combinatorial problem, which is generally NP-hard and difficult to get the optimal solution. Traditional methods to solve this problem are mainly based on mathematical optimization techniques, where accurate channel state information (CSI), usually obtained through channel estimation and feedback, is needed. To overcome the high computational complexity of the traditional methods and eliminate the costly channel estimation stage, machine leaning (ML) has been introduced recently to address the wireless link scheduling problems. In this paper, we propose a novel graph embedding based method for link scheduling in D2D networks. We first construct a fully-connected directed graph for the D2D network, where each D2D pair is a node while interference links among D2D pairs are the edges. Then we compute a low-dimensional feature vector for each node in the graph. The graph embedding process is based on the distances of both communication and interference links, therefore without requiring the accurate CSI. By utilizing a multi-layer classifier, a scheduling strategy can be learned in a supervised manner based on the graph embedding results for each node. We also propose an unsupervised manner to train the graph embedding based method to further reinforce the scalability and generalizability and develop a K-nearest neighbor graph representation method to reduce the computational complexity. Extensive simulation demonstrates that the proposed method is near-optimal compared with the existing state-of-art methods but is with only hundreds of training samples. It is also competitive in terms of scalability and generalizability to more complicated scenarios.
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