Topologically Protected Quantum Entanglement

Abstract in English

Quantum entanglement, as the strictly non-classical phenomena, is the kernel of quantum computing and quantum simulation, and has been widely applied ranging from fundamental tests of quantum physics to quantum information processing. The decoherence of quantum states restricts the capability of building quantum simulators and quantum computers in a scalable fashion. Meanwhile, the topological phase is found inherently capable of protecting physical fields from unavoidable fabrication-induced disorder, which inspires the potential application of topological protection on quantum states. Here, we present the first experimental demonstration of topologically protected quantum polarization entangled states on a photonic chip. The process tomography shows that quantum entanglement can be well preserved by the boundary states even when the chip material substantially introduces relative polarization rotation in phase space. Our work links topology, material and quantum physics, opening the door to wide applications of topological enhancement in genuine quantum regime.
