Goos-Hanchen shift at the reflection of light from the complex structures composed of superconducting and dielectric layers

Abstract in English

The Goos-Hanchen effect of light reflected from sandwich (three-layered) structures composed of a superconducting YBa2Cu3O7 film and two different dielectric films is investigated theoretically. It has been shown that optical anisotropy of YBa2Cu3O7 film, as well as its positions in the three-layer specimen, strongly effects on the lateral shift values. We have shown that, for all positions of the superconducting film in the three-layered structure, variation of temperature makes possible to control the values of the lateral shift of TE-polarized light at the incidence angles close to pseudo-Brewster angles, whereas for TM-polarized light the lateral shift is only significant at grazing incidence.
