Schubert curves in the orthogonal Grassmannian

Abstract in English

We develop a combinatorial rule to compute the real geometry of type B Schubert curves $S(lambda_bullet)$ in the orthogonal Grassmannian $mathrm{OG}_n$, which are one-dimensional Schubert problems defined with respect to orthogonal flags osculating the rational normal curve. Our results are natural analogs of results previously known only in type A. First, using the type B Wronski map, we show that the real locus of the Schubert curve has a natural covering map to $mathbb{RP}^1$, with monodromy operator $omega$ defined as the commutator of jeu de taquin rectification and promotion on skew shifted semistandard tableaux. We then introduce two different algorithms to compute $omega$ without rectifying the skew tableau. The first uses recently-developed shifted tableau crystal operators, while the second uses local switches much like jeu de taquin. The switching algorithm further computes the K-theory coefficient of the Schubert curve: its nonadjacent switches precisely enumerate Pechenik and Yongs shifted genomic tableaux. The connection to K-theory also gives rise to a partial understanding of the complex geometry of these curves.
