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Spin-orbit-controlled metal-insulator transition in Sr$_2$IrO$_4$

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 Added by Berend Zwartsenberg
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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In the context of correlated insulators, where electron-electron interactions (U) drive the localization of charge carriers, the metal-insulator transition (MIT) is described as either bandwidth (BC) or filling (FC) controlled. Motivated by the challenge of the insulating phase in Sr$_2$IrO$_4$, a new class of correlated insulators has been proposed, in which spin-orbit coupling (SOC) is believed to renormalize the bandwidth of the half-filled $j_{mathrm{eff}} = 1/2$ doublet, allowing a modest U to induce a charge-localized phase. Although this framework has been tacitly assumed, a thorough characterization of the ground state has been elusive. Furthermore, direct evidence for the role of SOC in stabilizing the insulating state has not been established, since previous attempts at revealing the role of SOC have been hindered by concurrently occurring changes to the filling. We overcome this challenge by employing multiple substituents that introduce well defined changes to the signatures of SOC and carrier concentration in the electronic structure, as well as a new methodology that allows us to monitor SOC directly. Specifically, we study Sr$_2$Ir$_{1-x}$T$_x$O$_4$ (T = Ru, Rh) by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), combined with ab-initio and supercell tight-binding calculations. This allows us to distinguish relativistic and filling effects, thereby establishing conclusively the central role of SOC in stabilizing the insulating state of Sr$_2$IrO$_4$. Most importantly, we estimate the critical value for spin-orbit coupling in this system to be $lambda_c = 0.42 pm 0.01$ eV, and provide the first demonstration of a spin-orbit-controlled MIT.

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Despite many efforts to rationalize the strongly correlated electronic ground states in doped Mott insulators, the nature of the doping induced insulator to metal transition is still a subject under intensive investigation. Here we probe the nanoscale electronic structure of the Mott insulator Sr$_2$IrO$_{4-delta}$ with low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy and find enhanced local density of states (LDOS) inside the Mott gap at the location of individual apical oxygen site defects. We visualize paths of enhanced conductance arising from the overlapping of defect states which induces finite LDOS at the Fermi level. By combining these findings with the typical spatial extension of isolated defects of about 2~nm, we show that the insulator to metal transition in Sr$_2$IrO$_{4-delta}$ is of percolative nature.
An anomalous optical second-harmonic generation (SHG) signal was previously reported in Sr$_2$IrO$_4$ and attributed to a hidden odd-parity bulk magnetic state. Here we investigate the origin of this SHG signal using a combination of bulk magnetic susceptibility, magnetic-field-dependent SHG rotational anisotropy, and overlapping wide-field SHG imaging and atomic force microscopy measurements. We find that the anomalous SHG signal exhibits a two-fold rotational symmetry as a function of in-plane magnetic field orientation that is associated with a crystallographic distortion. We also show a change in SHG signal across step edges that tracks the bulk antiferromagnetic stacking pattern. While we do not rule out the existence of hidden order in Sr$_2$IrO$_4$, our results altogether show that the anomalous SHG signal in parent Sr$_2$IrO$_4$ originates instead from a surface-magnetization-induced electric-dipole process that is enhanced by strong spin-orbit coupling.
We present scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy experiments on the novel J_eff = 1/2 Mott insulator Sr2IrO4. Local density of states (LDOS) measurements show an intrinsic insulating gap of 620 meV that is asymmetric about the Fermi level and is larger than previously reported values. The size of this gap suggests that Sr2IrO4 is likely a Mott rather than Slater insulator. In addition, we found a small number of native defects which create in-gap spectral weight. Atomically resolved LDOS measurements on and off the defects shows that this energy gap is quite fragile. Together the extended nature of the 5d electrons and poor screening of defects help explain the elusive nature of this gap.
259 - S. Bahr , A. Alfonsov , G. Jackeli 2013
We report a high-field electron spin resonance study in the sub-THz frequency domain of a single crystal of Sr$_2$IrO$_4$ that has been recently proposed as a prototypical spin-orbital Mott insulator. In the antiferromagnetically (AFM) ordered state with noncollinear spin structure that occurs in this material at $T_{rm N} approx 240$ K we observe both the low frequency mode due to the precession of weak ferromagnetic moments arising from a spin canting, and the high frequency modes due to the precession of the AFM sublattices. Surprisingly, the energy gap for the AFM excitations appears to be very small, amounting to 0.83 meV only. This suggests a rather isotropic Heisenberg dynamics of interacting Ir$^{4+}$ effective spins despite the spin-orbital entanglement in the ground state.
{it Ab initio} analyses of A$_2$IrO$_4$ (A=Sr, Ba) are presented. Effective Hubbard-type models for Ir 5$d$ $t_{2g}$ manifolds downfolded from the global band structure are solved based on the dynamical mean-field theory. The results for A=Sr and Ba correctly reproduce paramagnetic metals undergoing continuous transitions to insulators below the Neel temperature $T_N$. These compounds are classified not into Mott insulators but into Slater insulators. However, the insulating gap opens by a synergy of the Neel order and significant band renormalization, which is also manifested by a 2D bad metallic behavior in the paramagnetic phase near the quantum criticality.
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