Stueckelberg mechanism introduces a scalar field, known as Stueckelberg field, so that gauge symmetry is preserved in the massive abelian gauge theory. In this work, we show that the role of the Stueckelberg field is similar to the Kulish and Faddeev coherent state approach to handle infrared (IR) divergences. We expect that the light-front quantum electrodynamics (LFQED) with Stueckelberg field must be IR finite in the massless limit of the gauge boson. We have explicitly shown the cancellation of IR divergences in the relevant diagrams contributing to self-energy and vertex correction at leading order.
Hamiltonian light-front quantum field theory provides a framework for calculating both static and dynamic properties of strongly interacting relativistic systems. Invariant masses, correlated parton amplitudes and time-dependent scattering amplitudes, possibly with strong external time-dependent fields, represent a few of the important applications. By choosing the light-front gauge and adopting an orthonormal basis function representation, we obtain a large, sparse, Hamiltonian matrix eigenvalue problem for mass eigenstates that we solve by adapting ab initio no-core methods of nuclear many-body theory. In the continuum limit, the infinite matrix limit, we recover full covariance. Guided by the symmetries of light-front quantized theory, we adopt a two-dimensional harmonic oscillator basis for transverse modes that corresponds with eigensolutions of the soft-wall anti-de Sitter/quantum chromodynamics (AdS/QCD) model obtained from light-front holography. We outline our approach and present results for non-linear Compton scattering, evaluated non-perturbatively, where a strong and time-dependent laser field accelerates the electron and produces states of higher invariant mass i.e. final states with photon emission.
Recently it has been shown that the vacuum state in QED is infinitely degenerate. Moreover a transition among the degenerate vacua is induced in any nontrivial scattering process and determined from the associated soft factor. Conventional computations of scattering amplitudes in QED do not account for this vacuum degeneracy and therefore always give zero. This vanishing of all conventional QED amplitudes is usually attributed to infrared divergences. Here we show that if these vacuum transitions are properly accounted for, the resulting amplitudes are nonzero and infrared finite. Our construction of finite amplitudes is mathematically equivalent to, and amounts to a physical reinterpretation of, the 1970 construction of Faddeev and Kulish.
Modified similarity renormalization of Hamiltonians is proposed, that performes by means of flow equations the similarity transformation of Hamiltonian in the particle number space. This enables to renormalize in the energy space the field theoretical Hamiltonian and makes possible to work in a severe trancated Fock space for the renormalized Hamiltonian.
We present a general framework to calculate the properties of relativistic compound systems from the knowledge of an elementary Hamiltonian. Our framework provides a well-controlled nonperturbative calculational scheme which can be systematically improved. The state vector of a physical system is calculated in light-front dynamics. From the general properties of this form of dynamics, the state vector can be further decomposed in well-defined Fock components. In order to control the convergence of this expansion, we advocate the use of the covariant formulation of light-front dynamics. In this formulation, the state vector is projected on an arbitrary light-front plane $omega cd x=0$ defined by a light-like four-vector $omega$. This enables us to control any violation of rotational invariance due to the truncation of the Fock expansion. We then present a general nonperturbative renormalization scheme in order to avoid field-theoretical divergences which may remain uncancelled due to this truncation. This general framework has been applied to a large variety of models. As a starting point, we consider QED for the two-body Fock space truncation and calculate the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron. We show that it coincides, in this approximation, with the well-known Schwinger term. Then we investigate the properties of a purely scalar system in the three-body approximation, where we highlight the role of antiparticle degrees of freedom. As a non-trivial example of our framework, we calculate the structure of a physical fermion in the Yukawa model, for the three-body Fock space truncation (but still without antifermion contributions). We finally show why our approach is also well-suited to describe effective field theories like chiral perturbation theory in the baryonic sector.
Depending on the point of view, the Casimir force arises from variation in the energy of the quantum vacuum as boundary conditions are altered or as an interaction between atoms in the materials that form these boundary conditions. Standard analyses of such configurations are usually done in terms of ordinary, equal-time (Minkowski) coordinates. However, physics is independent of the coordinate choice, and an analysis based on light-front coordinates, where $x^+equiv t+z/c$ plays the role of time, is equally valid. After a brief historical introduction, we illustrate and compare equal-time and light-front calculations of the Casimir force.