Person Re-identification in Videos by Analyzing Spatio-Temporal Tubes

Abstract in English

Typical person re-identification frameworks search for k best matches in a gallery of images that are often collected in varying conditions. The gallery may contain image sequences when re-identification is done on videos. However, such a process is time consuming as re-identification has to be carried out multiple times. In this paper, we extract spatio-temporal sequences of frames (referred to as tubes) of moving persons and apply a multi-stage processing to match a given query tube with a gallery of stored tubes recorded through other cameras. Initially, we apply a binary classifier to remove noisy images from the input query tube. In the next step, we use a key-pose detection-based query minimization. This reduces the length of the query tube by removing redundant frames. Finally, a 3-stage hierarchical re-identification framework is used to rank the output tubes as per the matching scores. Experiments with publicly available video re-identification datasets reveal that our framework is better than state-of-the-art methods. It ranks the tubes with an increased CMC accuracy of 6-8% across multiple datasets. Also, our method significantly reduces the number of false positives. A new video re-identification dataset, named Tube-based Reidentification Video Dataset (TRiViD), has been prepared with an aim to help the re-identification research community
