Metallic glasses for biodegradable implants

Abstract in English

Metallic glasses are excellent candidates for biomedical implant applications due to their inherent strength and corrosion resistance. Use of metallic glasses in structural applications is limited, however, because bulk dimensions are challenging to achieve. Glass-forming ability (GFA) varies strongly with alloy composition and becomes more difficult to predict as the number of chemical species in a system increases. Here we present a theoretical model - implemented in the AFLOW framework - for predicting GFA based on the competition between crystalline phases, and apply it to biologically relevant binary and ternary systems. Elastic properties are estimated based on the rule of mixtures for alloy systems that are predicted to be bulk glass-formers. Focusing on Ca- and Mg-based systems for use in biodegradable orthopedic support applications, we suggest alloys in the AgCaMg and AgMgZn families for further study; and alloys based on the compositions: Ag$_{0.33}$Mg$_{0.67}$, Cu$_{0.5}$Mg$_{0.5}$, Cu$_{0.37}$Mg$_{0.63}$ and Cu$_{0.25}$Mg$_{0.5}$Zn$_{0.25}$.
