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High-resolution optical spectroscopy is a powerful tool to characterise exoplanetary atmospheres from the ground. The sodium D lines, with their large cross sections, are especially suited to study the upper layers of atmospheres in this context. We report on the results from HEARTS, a spectroscopic survey of exoplanet atmospheres, performing a comparative study of hot gas giants to determine the effects of stellar irradiation. In this second installation of the series, we highlight the detection of neutral sodium on the ultra-hot giant WASP-76b. We observed three transits of the planet using the HARPS high-resolution spectrograph at the ESO 3.6m telescope and collected 175 spectra of WASP-76. We repeatedly detect the absorption signature of neutral sodium in the planet atmosphere ($0.371pm0.034%$; $10.75 sigma$ in a $0.75$ r{A} passband). The sodium lines have a Gaussian profile with full width at half maximum (FWHM) of $27.6pm2.8$ km s$^{-1}$. This is significantly broader than the line spread function of HARPS ($2.7$ km s$^{-1}$). We surmise that the observed broadening could trace the super-rotation in the upper atmosphere of this ultra-hot gas giant.
Ultra-hot Jupiters offer interesting prospects for expanding our theories on dynamical evolution and the properties of extremely irradiated atmospheres. In this context, we present the analysis of new optical spectroscopy for the transiting ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-121b. We first refine the orbital properties of WASP-121b, which is on a nearly polar (obliquity $psi^{rm North}$=88.1$pm$0.25$^{circ}$ or $psi^{rm South}$=91.11$pm$0.20$^{circ}$) orbit, and exclude a high differential rotation for its fast-rotating (P$<$1.13 days), highly inclined ($i_mathrm{star}^{rm North}$=8.1$stackrel{+3.0}{_{-2.6}}^{circ}$ or $i_mathrm{star}^{rm South}$=171.9$stackrel{+2.5}{_{-3.4}}^{circ}$) star. We then present a new method that exploits the reloaded Rossiter-McLaughlin technique to separate the contribution of the planetary atmosphere and of the spectrum of the stellar surface along the transit chord. Its application to HARPS transit spectroscopy of WASP-121b reveals the absorption signature from metals, likely atomic iron, in the planet atmospheric limb. The width of the signal (14.3$pm$1.2 km/s) can be explained by the rotation of the tidally locked planet. Its blueshift (-5.2$pm$0.5 km/s) could trace strong winds from the dayside to the nightside, or the anisotropic expansion of the planetary thermosphere.
Planet formation processes or evolution mechanisms are surmised to be at the origin of the hot Neptune desert. Studying exoplanets currently living within or at the edge of this desert could allow disentangling the respective roles of formation and evolution. We present the HARPS transmission spectrum of the bloated super-Neptune WASP-166b, located at the outer rim of the Neptune desert. Neutral sodium is detected at the 3.4 $sigma$ level ($0.455 pm 0.135 %$), with a tentative indication of line broadening, which could be caused by winds blowing sodium farther into space, a possible manifestation of the bloated character of these highly irradiated worlds. We put this detection into context with previous work claiming a non-detection of sodium in the same observations and show that the high noise in the trace of the discarded stellar sodium lines was responsible for the non-detection. We highlight the impact of this low signal-to-noise remnant on detections for exoplanets similar to WASP-166b.
WASP-127b is one of the puffiest exoplanets found to date, with a mass only $3.4$ Neptune masses, but a radius larger than Jupiter. It is also located at the border of the Neptune desert, which describes the lack of highly-irradiated Neptune-sized planets, and which remains poorly understood. Its large scale height and bright host star make the transiting WASP-127b a valuable target to characterise in transmission spectroscopy. We use combined EulerCam and TESS light curves to recalculate the systems parameters. Additionally, we present an in-depth search for sodium in four transit observations of WASP-127b, obtained as part of the Hot Exoplanet Atmosphere Resolved with Transit Spectroscopy (HEARTS) survey with the High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS) spectrograph. Two nights from this dataset were analysed independently by another team, claiming a detection of sodium incompatible with previous studies of data from both ground and space. We show that this large sodium detection is actually due to contamination from telluric sodium emissions and the low S/N in the core of the deep stellar sodium lines. When properly accounting for these effects, the previous sodium signal is reduced to an absorption of $0.46pm0.20%$ ($2.3sigma$), which is compatible with analyses of WASP-127b transits carried out with other instruments. We can fit a Gaussian to the D2 line, however, the D1 line was not detected, indicating an unusual line ratio if sodium exists in the atmosphere. Follow-up of WASP-127 at both high-resolution and with high sensitivity will be required to firmly establish the presence of sodium and analyse its line shape.
Aims: We survey the transmission spectrum of WASP-121 b for line-absorption by metals and molecules at high spectral resolution, and elaborate on existing interpretations of the optical transmission spectrum observed with HST/STIS and WFC3. Methods: We use the cross-correlation technique and direct differential spectroscopy to search for sodium and other neutral and ionised atoms, TiO, VO and SH in high-resolution transit spectra obtained with the HARPS spectrograph. We inject models assuming chemical and hydrostatic equilibrium with varying temperature and composition to enable model comparison, and employ two bootstrap methods to test the robustness of our detections. Results: We detect neutral Mg, Na, Ca, Cr, Fe, Ni and V, which we predict exists in equilibrium with a significant quantity of VO, supporting earlier observations by HST/WFC3. Non-detections of Ti and TiO support the hypothesis that Ti is depleted via a cold-trap mechanism as has been proposed in the literature. Atomic line depths are under-predicted by hydrostatic models by a factor of 1.5 to 8, confirming recent findings that the atmosphere is extended. We predict the existence of significant concentrations of gas-phase TiO$_2$, VO$_2$ and TiS, which could be important absorbers at optical and NIR wavelengths in hot Jupiter atmospheres, but for which accurate line-list data is currently not available. We find no evidence for absorption by SH, and find that inflated atomic lines can plausibly explain the slope of the transmission spectrum observed in the NUV with HST/STIS. The Na D lines are significantly broadened and show a difference in their respective depths of 15 scale heights, which is not expected from isothermal hydrostatic theory.
Ultra-hot Jupiters with equilibrium temperature greater than 2000K are uniquely interesting targets as they provide us crucial insights into how atmospheres behave under extreme conditions. This class of giant planets receives intense radiation from their host star and usually has strongly irradiated and highly inflated atmospheres. At such high temperature, cloud formation is expected to be suppressed and thermal dissociation of water vapor could occur. We observed the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-76b with 7 transits and 5 eclipses using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and $Spitzer$ for a comprehensive study of its atmospheric chemical and physical processes. We detect TiO and H$_2$O absorption in the optical and near-infrared transit spectrum. Additional absorption by a number of neutral and ionized heavy metals like Fe, Ni, Ti, and SiO help explain the short wavelength transit spectrum. The secondary eclipse spectrum shows muted water feature but a strong CO emission feature in Spitzers 4.5 $mu$m band indicating an inverted temperature pressure profile. We analyzed both the transit and emission spectrum with a combination of self-consistent PHOENIX models and retrieval models (ATMO $&$ PLATON). Both spectra are well fitted by the self-consistent PHOENIX forward atmosphere model in chemical and radiative equilibrium at solar metallicity, adding to the growing evidence that both TiO/VO and NUV heavy metals opacity are prominent NUV-optical opacity sources in the stratospheres of ultra-hot Jupiters.