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Monitoring Spontaneous Charge-density Fluctuations by Single-molecule Diffraction of Quantum Light

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 Added by Konstantin Dorfman
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Homodyne X-ray diffraction signals produced by classical light and classical detectors are given by the modulus square of the charge density in momentum space $left|sigma(mathbf{q})right|^{2}$, missing its phase which is required in order to invert the signal to real space. We show that quantum detection of the radiation field yields a linear diffraction pattern that reveals $sigma(mathbf{q})$ itself, including the phase. We further show that repeated diffraction measurements with variable delays constitute a novel multidimensional measure of spontaneous charge-density fluctuations. Classical diffraction, in contrast, only reveals a subclass of even-order correlation functions. Simulations of two dimensional signals obtained by two diffraction events are presented for the amino acid cysteine.

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We provide a unified theoretical approach to the quantum dynamics of absorption of single photons and subsequent excitonic energy transfer in photosynthetic light-harvesting complexes. Our analysis combines a continuous mode <n>-photon quantum optical master equation for the chromophoric system with the hierarchy of equations of motion describing excitonic dynamics in presence of non-Markovian coupling to vibrations of the chromophores and surrounding protein. We apply the approach to simulation of absorption of single-photon coherent states by pigment-protein complexes containing between one and seven chromophores, and compare with results obtained by excitation using a thermal radiation field. We show that the values of excitation probability obtained under single-photon absorption conditions can be consistently related to bulk absorption cross-sections. Analysis of the timescale and efficiency of single-photon absorption by light-harvesting systems within this full quantum description of pigment-protein dynamics coupled to a quantum radiation field reveals a non-trivial dependence of the excitation probability and the excited state dynamics induced by exciton-phonon coupling during and subsequent to the pulse, on the bandwidth of the incident photon pulse. For bandwidths equal to the spectral bandwidth of Chlorophyll a, our results yield an estimation of an average time of ~0.09 s for a single chlorophyll chromophore to absorb the energy equivalent of one (single-polarization) photon under irradiation by single-photon states at the intensity of sunlight.
117 - Emil Proynov , Jing Kong 2021
The charge delocalization error, besides nondynamic correlation, has been a major challenge to density functional theory. Contemporary functionals undershoot the dissociation of symmetric charged dimers A2+, a simple but stringent test, predict a spurious barrier and improperly delocalize charges for charged molecular clusters. We extend a functional designed for nondynamic correlation to treat the charge delocalization error by modifying the nondynamic correlation for parallel spins. The modified functional eliminates those problems and reduces the multielectron self-interaction error. Furthermore, its results are the closest to those of CCSD(T) in the whole range of the dissociation compared with contemporary functionals. It correctly localizes the net positive charge in (CH4)n+ clusters and predicts a nearly constant ionization potential as a result. Testing of the SIE4x4 set shows that the new functional outperforms a wide variety of functionals assessed for this set in the literature. Overall, we show the feasibility of treating charge delocalization together with nondynamic correlation.
279 - Ming-Jie Tao , Qing Ai , 2015
The structure of Fenna-Matthews-Olson (FMO) light-harvesting complex has long been recognized as containing seven bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) molecules. Recently, an additional BChl molecule was discovered in the crystal structure of the FMO complex, which may serve as a link between baseplate and the remaining seven molecules. Here, we investigate excitation energy transfer (EET) process by simulating single-molecule pump-dump experiment in the eight-molecules complex. We adopt the coherent modified Redfield theory and non-Markovian quantum jump method to simulate EET dynamics. This scheme provides a practical approach of detecting the realistic EET pathway in BChl complexes with currently available experimental technology. And it may assist optimizing design of artificial light-harvesting devices.
Glycans play a central role as mediators in most biological processes, but their structures are complicated by isomerism. Epimers and anomers, regioisomers, and branched sequences contribute to a structural variability that dwarfs those of nucleic acids and proteins, challenging even the most sophisticated analytical tools, such as NMR and mass spectrometry. Here, we introduce an electron tunneling technique that is label-free and can identify carbohydrates at the single-molecule level, offering significant benefits over existing technology. It is capable of analyzing sub-picomole quantities of sample, counting the number of individual molecules in each subset in a population of coexisting isomers, and is quantitative over more than four orders of magnitude of concentration. It resolves epimers not well separated by ion-mobility and can be implemented on a silicon chip. It also provides a readout mechanism for direct single-molecule sequencing of linear oligosaccharides.
We investigate the thermal-driven charge density wave (CDW) transition of two cubic superconducting intermetallic systems Lu(Pt1-xPdx)2In and (Sr1-xCax)3Ir4Sn13 by means of x-ray diffraction technique. A detailed analysis of the CDW modulation superlattice peaks as function of temperature is performed for both systems as the CDW transition temperature T_CDW is suppressed to zero by an non-thermal control parameter. Our results indicate an interesting crossover of the classical thermal-driven CDW order parameter critical exponent from a three-dimensional universality class to a mean-field tendency, as T_CDW vanishes. Such behavior might be associated with presence of quantum fluctuations which influences the classical second-order phase transition, strongly suggesting the presence of a quantum critical point (QCP) at T_CDW = 0. This also provides experimental evidence that the effective dimensionality exceeds its upper critical dimension due to a quantum phase transition.
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