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Partial Torelli groups and homological stability

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 Added by Andrew Putman
 Publication date 2019
and research's language is English
 Authors Andrew Putman

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We prove a homological stability theorem for the subgroup of the mapping class group acting as the identity on some fixed portion of the first homology group of the surface. We also prove a similar theorem for the subgroup of the mapping class group preserving a fixed map from the fundamental group to a finite group, which can be viewed as a mapping class group version of a theorem of Ellenberg-Venkatesh-Westerland about braid groups. These results require studying various simplicial complexes formed by subsurfaces of the surface, generalizing work of Hatcher-Vogtmann.

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186 - Andrew Putman 2012
These are the lecture notes for my course at the 2011 Park City Mathematics Graduate Summer School. The first two lectures covered the basics of the Torelli group and the Johnson homomorphism, and the third and fourth lectures discussed the second cohomology group of the level p congruence subgroup of the mapping class group, following my papers The second rational homology group of the moduli space of curves with level structures and The Picard group of the moduli space of curves with level structures.
We develop a theory of equivariant group presentations and relate them to the second homology group of a group. Our main application says that the second homology group of the Torelli subgroup of the mapping class group is finitely generated as an $Sp(2g,mathbb{Z})$-module.
Given a Coxeter system (W,S), there is an associated CW-complex, Sigma, on which W acts properly and cocompactly. We prove that when the nerve L of (W,S) is a flag triangulation of the 3-sphere, then the reduced $ell^2$-homology of Sigma vanishes in all but the middle dimension.
152 - Tadayuki Watanabe 2021
In this addendum, we give a differential form interpretation of the proof of the main theorem of arXiv:1812.02448, which gives lower bounds of the dimensions of $pi_k(Bmathrm{Diff}(D^4,partial))otimesmathbb{Q}$ in terms of the dimensions of Kontsevichs graph homology, and explain why it can be extended to arbitrary even dimensions $dgeq 4$. We attempted to make the proof accessible to more readers. Thus we do not assume familiarity with configuration space integrals nor knowledge of finite type invariants. Part of this addendum might be joined to the original article when it will be re-submitted to the journal. This is not aimed at giving a correction to the previous version.
312 - Richard Hepworth 2015
We prove that certain families of Coxeter groups and inclusions $W_1hookrightarrow W_2hookrightarrow...$ satisfy homological stability, meaning that in each degree the homology $H_ast(BW_n)$ is eventually independent of $n$. This gives a uniform treatment of homological stability for the families of Coxeter groups of type $A_n$, $B_n$ and $D_n$, recovering existing results in the first two cases, and giving a new result in the third. The key step in our proof is to show that a certain simplicial complex with $W_n$-action is highly connected. To do this we show that the barycentric subdivision is an instance of the basic construction, and then use Daviss description of the basic construction as an increasing union of chambers to deduce the required connectivity.
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