A class of phylogenetic networks reconstructable from ancestral profiles

Abstract in English

Rooted phylogenetic networks provide an explicit representation of the evolutionary history of a set $X$ of sampled species. In contrast to phylogenetic trees which show only speciation events, networks can also accommodate reticulate processes (for example, hybrid evolution, endosymbiosis, and lateral gene transfer). A major goal in systematic biology is to infer evolutionary relationships, and while phylogenetic trees can be uniquely determined from various simple combinatorial data on $X$, for networks the reconstruction question is much more subtle. Here we ask when can a network be uniquely reconstructed from its `ancestral profile (the number of paths from each ancestral vertex to each element in $X$). We show that reconstruction holds (even within the class of all networks) for a class of networks we call `orchard networks, and we provide a polynomial-time algorithm for reconstructing any orchard network from its ancestral profile. Our approach relies on establishing a structural theorem for orchard networks, which also provides for a fast (polynomial-time) algorithm to test if any given network is of orchard type. Since the class of orchard networks includes tree-sibling tree-consistent networks and tree-child networks, our result generalise reconstruction results from 2008 and 2009. Orchard networks allow for an unbounded number $k$ of reticulation vertices, in contrast to tree-sibling tree-consistent networks and tree-child networks for which $k$ is at most $2|X|-4$ and $|X|-1$, respectively.
