dS Vacua and the Swampland

Abstract in English

In this note we revisit some of the recent 10d and 4d arguments suggesting that uplifting of supersymmetric AdS vacua leads to flattening of the potential, preventing formation of dS vacua. We explain why the corresponding 10d approach is inconclusive and requires considerable modifications. We also show that while the flattening effects may occur for some extreme values of the parameters, they do not prevent the formation of dS vacua within the range of validity of the 4d KKLT models. The KL version of the KKLT scenario based on a racetrack superpotential requires parametrically small uplifting, which is not affected by flattening. We show that this scenario is compatible with the weak gravity conjecture for a broad choice of parameters of the KL model. Thus, the results of our analysis do not support the recent swampland conjecture.
