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Lattice-QCD Determination of the Hyperon Axial Couplings in the Continuum Limit

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 Added by Huey-Wen Lin
 Publication date 2018
and research's language is English

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We present the first continuum extrapolation of the hyperon octet axial couplings ($g_{Sigma Sigma}$ and $g_{Xi Xi}$) from $N_f=2+1+1$ lattice QCD. These couplings are important parameters in the low-energy effective field theory description of the octet baryons and fundamental to the nonleptonic decays of hyperons and to hyperon-hyperon and hyperon-nucleon scattering with application to neutron stars. We use clover lattice fermion action for the valence quarks with sea quarks coming from configurations of $N_f=2+1+1$ highly improved staggered quarks (HISQ) generated by MILC Collaboration. Our work includes the first calculation of $g_{Sigma Sigma}$ and $g_{Xi Xi}$ directly at the physical pion mass on the lattice, and a full account of systematic uncertainty, including excited-state contamination, finite-volume effects and continuum extrapolation, all addressed for the first time. We find the continuum-limit hyperon coupling constants to be $g_{Sigma Sigma}=0.4455(55)_text{stat}(65)_text{sys}$ and $g_{Xi Xi} =-0.2703(47)_text{stat}(13)_text{sys}$, which correspond to low-energy constants of $D = 0.708(10)_text{stat}(6)_text{sys}$ and $F = 0.438(7)_text{stat}(6)_text{sys}$. The corresponding SU(3) symmetry breaking is 9% which is about a factor of 2 smaller than the earlier lattice estimate.

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We compute charm and bottom quark masses in the quenched approximation and in the continuum limit of lattice QCD. We make use of a step scaling method, previously introduced to deal with two scale problems, that allows to take the continuum limit of the lattice data. We determine the RGI quark masses and make the connection to the MSbar scheme. The continuum extrapolation gives us a value m_b^{RGI} = 6.73(16) GeV for the b-quark and m_c^{RGI} = 1.681(36) GeV for the c-quark, corresponding respectively to m_b^{MSbar}(m_b^{MSbar}) = 4.33(10) GeV and m_c^{MSbar}(m_c^{MSbar}) = 1.319(28) GeV. The latter result, in agreement with current estimates, is for us a check of the method. Using our results on the heavy quark masses we compute the mass of the Bc meson, M_{Bc} = 6.46(15) GeV.
We present a quenched lattice QCD calculation of the alpha and beta parameters of the proton decay matrix element. The simulation is carried out using the Wilson quark action at three values of the lattice spacing in the range aapprox 0.1-0.064 fm to study the scaling violation effect. We find only mild scaling violation when the lattice scale is determined by the nucleon mass. We obtain in the continuum limit, |alpha(NDR,2GeV)|=0.0090(09)(^{+5}_{-19})GeV^3 and |beta(NDR,2GeV)|=0.0096(09)(^{+6}_{-20})GeV^3 with alpha and beta in a relatively opposite sign, where the first error is statistical and the second is due to the uncertainty in the determination of the physical scale.
163 - C. Alexandrou 2013
We present a lattice QCD calculation of the $Delta(1232)$ matrix elements of the axial-vector and pseudoscalar currents. The decomposition of these matrix elements into the appropriate Lorentz invariant form factors is carried out and the techniques to calculate the form factors are developed and tested using quenched configurations. Results are obtained for 2+1 domain wall fermions and within a hybrid scheme with domain wall valence and staggered sea quarks. Two Goldberger-Treiman type relations connecting the axial to the pseudoscalar effective couplings are derived. These and further relations based on the pion-pole dominance hypothesis are examined using the lattice QCD results, finding support for their validity. Utilizing lattice QCD results on the axial charges of the nucleon and the $Delta$, as well as the nucleon-to-$Delta$ transition coupling constant, we perform a combined chiral fit to all three quantities and study their pion mass dependence as the chiral limit is approached.
We compute various (generalized) isovector charges of the octet baryons. These include $g_A$, $g_T$ and $g_S$ as well as the unpolarized, polarized and transversity parton distribution function (PDF) momentum fractions $langle xrangle_{u^+-d^+}$, $langle xrangle_{Delta u^--Delta d^-}$ and $langle xrangle_{delta u^+-delta ^+}$. The simulations are carried out on a subset of the (isospin symmetric) $N_f=2+1$ flavour Coordinated Lattice Simulations (CLS) gauge ensembles with lattice spacings ranging from $aapprox 0.086,$fm down to $aapprox 0.050,$fm. First results on the breaking of flavour symmetry and the low energy constants $F$ and $D$ are presented. While SU(3) flavour symmetry violations are found to be sizeable for $g_A=langle 1rangle_{Delta u^+-Delta d^+}$, these are quite small for $g_T=langle 1rangle_{delta u^--delta d^-}$ and $langle xrangle_{u^+-d^+}$.
The nucleon axial charge is calculated as a function of the pion mass in full QCD. Using domain wall valence quarks and improved staggered sea quarks, we present the first calculation with pion masses as light as 354 MeV and volumes as large as (3.5 fm)^3. We show that finite volume effects are small for our volumes and that a constrained fit based on finite volume chiral perturbation theory agrees with experiment within 7% statistical errors.
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