Spin and orbital dynamics through the metal-to-insulator transition in Cd$_2$Os$_2$O$_7$ probed with high-resolution RIXS

Abstract in English

High-resolution resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) measurements ($Delta$E = 46 meV) have been performed on Cd$_2$Os$_2$O$_7$ through the metal-to-insulator transition (MIT). A magnetic excitation at 125 meV evolves continuously through the MIT, in agreement with recent Raman scattering results, and provides further confirmation for an all-in, all-out magnetic ground state. Asymmetry of this feature is likely a result of coupling between the electronic and magnetic degrees of freedom. We also observe a broad continuum of interband excitations centered at 0.3 eV energy loss. This is indicative of significant hybridization between Os 5$d$ and O 2$p$ states, and concurrent itinerant nature of the system. In turn, this suggests a possible break down of the free-ion model for Cd$_2$Os$_2$O$_7$.
